(This is the legacy documentation for stable SDL2, the current stable version; SDL3 is the current development version.)


Display orientation

Header File

Defined in SDL_video.h


typedef enum SDL_DisplayOrientation
    SDL_ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN,            /**< The display orientation can't be determined */
    SDL_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE,          /**< The display is in landscape mode, with the right side up, relative to portrait mode */
    SDL_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE_FLIPPED,  /**< The display is in landscape mode, with the left side up, relative to portrait mode */
    SDL_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT,           /**< The display is in portrait mode */
    SDL_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_FLIPPED    /**< The display is in portrait mode, upside down */
} SDL_DisplayOrientation;

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIEnum, CategoryVideo