(This is the legacy documentation for stable SDL2, the current stable version; SDL3 is the current development version.)


Mouse motion event structure (event.motion.*)

Header File

Defined in SDL_events.h


typedef struct SDL_MouseMotionEvent
    Uint32 type;        /**< SDL_MOUSEMOTION */
    Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
    Uint32 windowID;    /**< The window with mouse focus, if any */
    Uint32 which;       /**< The mouse instance id, or SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID */
    Uint32 state;       /**< The current button state */
    Sint32 x;           /**< X coordinate, relative to window */
    Sint32 y;           /**< Y coordinate, relative to window */
    Sint32 xrel;        /**< The relative motion in the X direction */
    Sint32 yrel;        /**< The relative motion in the Y direction */
} SDL_MouseMotionEvent;

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIStruct, CategoryEvents