(This is the legacy documentation for stable SDL2, the current stable version; SDL3 is the current development version.)


Set a device independent resolution for rendering.

Header File

Defined in SDL_render.h


int SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(SDL_Renderer * renderer, int w, int h);

Function Parameters

renderer the renderer for which resolution should be set
w the width of the logical resolution
h the height of the logical resolution

Return Value

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.


This function uses the viewport and scaling functionality to allow a fixed logical resolution for rendering, regardless of the actual output resolution. If the actual output resolution doesn't have the same aspect ratio the output rendering will be centered within the output display.

If the output display is a window, mouse and touch events in the window will be filtered and scaled so they seem to arrive within the logical resolution. The SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_SCALING hint controls whether relative motion events are also scaled.

If this function results in scaling or subpixel drawing by the rendering backend, it will be handled using the appropriate quality hints.


This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryRender