(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! SDL2 is the current stable version!)


Request permissions at runtime, asynchronously.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_system.h>


int SDL_AndroidRequestPermission(const char *permission, SDL_AndroidRequestPermissionCallback cb, void *userdata);

Function Parameters

permission The permission to request.
cb The callback to trigger when the request has a response.
userdata An app-controlled pointer that is passed to the callback.

Return Value

Returns zero if the request was submitted, -1 if there was an error submitting. The result of the request is only ever reported through the callback, not this return value.


You do not need to call this for built-in functionality of SDL; recording from a microphone or reading images from a camera, using standard SDL APIs, will manage permission requests for you.

This function never blocks. Instead, the app-supplied callback will be called when a decision has been made. This callback may happen on a different thread, and possibly much later, as it might wait on a user to respond to a system dialog. If permission has already been granted for a specific entitlement, the callback will still fire, probably on the current thread and before this function returns.

If the request submission fails, this function returns -1 and the callback will NOT be called, but this should only happen in catastrophic conditions, like memory running out. Normally there will be a yes or no to the request through the callback.

Thread Safety

It is safe to call this function from any thread.


This function is available since SDL 3.0.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategorySystem, CategoryAndroid