(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! SDL2 is the current stable version!)


MessageBox structure containing title, text, window, etc.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_messagebox.h>


typedef struct SDL_MessageBoxData
    SDL_MessageBoxFlags flags;
    SDL_Window *window;                 /**< Parent window, can be NULL */
    const char *title;                  /**< UTF-8 title */
    const char *message;                /**< UTF-8 message text */

    int numbuttons;
    const SDL_MessageBoxButtonData *buttons;

    const SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme *colorScheme;   /**< SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme, can be NULL to use system settings */
} SDL_MessageBoxData;


This struct is available since SDL 3.0.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIStruct, CategoryMessagebox