Clear the current rendering target with the drawing color.
Defined in <SDL3/SDL_render.h>
renderer | the rendering context |
Returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.
This function clears the entire rendering target, ignoring the viewport and the clip rectangle. Note, that clearing will also set/fill all pixels of the rendering target to current renderer draw color, so make sure to invoke SDL_SetRenderDrawColor() when needed.
This function is available since SDL 3.0.0.
#include <SDL3/SDL.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
SDL_Window* window;
SDL_Renderer* renderer;
/* Initialize SDL. */
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0)
return 1;
/* Create the window where we will draw. */
window = SDL_CreateWindow("SDL_RenderClear",
512, 512,
/* We must call SDL_CreateRenderer in order for draw calls to affect this window. */
renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, NULL);
/* Select the color for drawing. It is set to red here. */
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, 255);
/* Clear the entire screen to our selected color. */
/* Up until now everything was drawn behind the scenes.
This will show the new, red contents of the window. */
/* Give us time to see the window. */
/* Always be sure to clean up */
return 0;