(This function is part of SDL_net, a separate library from SDL.)


Get a human-readable string from a resolved address.

Header File

Defined in SDL_net.h


const char * SDLNet_GetAddressString(SDLNet_Address *address);

Function Parameters

address The SDLNet_Address to query.

Return Value

Returns a string, or NULL on error; call SDL_GetError() for details.


This returns a string that's "human-readable", in that it's probably a string of numbers and symbols, like "" or "2604:a880:800:a1::71f:3001". It won't be the original hostname (like "icculus.org"), but it's suitable for writing to a log file, etc.

Do not free or modify the returned string; it belongs to the SDLNet_Address that was queried, and is valid as long as the object lives. Either make sure the address has a reference as long as you need this or make a copy of the string.

This will return NULL if resolution is still in progress, or if resolution failed. You can use SDLNet_GetAddressStatus() or SDLNet_WaitUntilResolved() to make sure resolution has successfully completed before calling this.

Thread Safety

It is safe to call this function from any thread.


This function is available since SDL_Net 3.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction