(This is the legacy documentation for stable SDL2, the current stable version; SDL3 is the current development version.)


Start accepting Unicode text input events.

Header File

Defined in SDL_keyboard.h


void SDL_StartTextInput(void);


This function will start accepting Unicode text input events in the focused SDL window, and start emitting SDL_TextInputEvent (SDL_TEXTINPUT) and SDL_TextEditingEvent (SDL_TEXTEDITING) events. Please use this function in pair with SDL_StopTextInput().

On some platforms using this function activates the screen keyboard.

On desktop platforms, SDL_StartTextInput() is implicitly called on SDL window creation which will cause events SDL_TextInputEvent and SDL_TextEditingEvent to begin emitting.


This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryKeyboard