(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! SDL2 is the current stable version!)


Get the current assertion handler.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_assert.h>


SDL_AssertionHandler SDL_GetAssertionHandler(void **puserdata);

Function Parameters

puserdata pointer which is filled with the "userdata" pointer that was passed to SDL_SetAssertionHandler()

Return Value

Returns the SDL_AssertionHandler that is called when an assert triggers.


This returns the function pointer that is called when an assertion is triggered. This is either the value last passed to SDL_SetAssertionHandler(), or if no application-specified function is set, is equivalent to calling SDL_GetDefaultAssertionHandler().

The parameter puserdata is a pointer to a void*, which will store the "userdata" pointer that was passed to SDL_SetAssertionHandler(). This value will always be NULL for the default handler. If you don't care about this data, it is safe to pass a NULL pointer to this function to ignore it.


This function is available since SDL 3.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryAssert