(This function is part of SDL_ttf, a separate library from SDL.)


Calculate how much of a UCS-2 string will fit in a given width.

Header File

Defined in SDL_ttf.h


int TTF_MeasureUNICODE(TTF_Font *font, const Uint16 *text, int measure_width, int *extent, int *count);

Function Parameters

font the font to query.
text text to calculate, in UCS-2 encoding.
measure_width maximum width, in pixels, available for the string.
count on return, filled with number of characters that can be rendered.
extent on return, filled with latest calculated width.

Return Value

Returns 0 if successful, -1 on error.


This reports the number of characters that can be rendered before reaching measure_width.

This does not need to render the string to do this calculation.

Please note that this function is named "Unicode" but currently expects UCS-2 encoding (16 bits per codepoint). This does not give you access to large Unicode values, such as emoji glyphs. These codepoints are accessible through the UTF-8 version of this function.


This function is available since SDL_ttf 3.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction